Sunday, February 17, 2019

The fight of the century : the battle for all eternity

Today’s Carbonari (the promoters of carbon-burning) will ultimately kill more people and cause more suffering than Hitler and Stalin and all their henchmen could ever have dreamed of.

It is up to us then, we the people of the light, those who believe that only safe, abundant and near eternal energy source is the Sun, to try and stop them.

I am too old to be confident I will be around to see the climax of that battle. I hope will will win and Humanity will survive, along with life on this planet, but I often times fear we will not.

But then I am reminded and comforted that ‘the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it’ ....

1 comment:

  1. Düdüklü Tencere Nasıl Kullanılır ve Düdüklü Hakkında Bilgi
    Düdüklü Tencere, yüksek buhar basıncı kullanarak yiyecekleri pişirmektedir. Düdüklü Tencere Nasıl Kullanılır sorusunun…
